Gort St Patrick’s Day Parade

The Gort St Patrick’s parade will be held on Monday 17th March commencing @ 12.45pm. The theme this year is “Our Community” . Our late President Padraic Giblin has passed away and may he Rest in Peace but he has left a legacy behind him. Particularly in his dedication and commitment to his community by establishing the Gort St. Patrick’s Day committee and parade in the 1980s.

A big part of the parade for Padraic was the vintage vehicles, he was the main driving force and it naturally grew from strength to strength. What was particular about Padraic was his tenacity and attention to detail in preparation for the day. For this reason, the existing committee want to celebrate Padraic’s contribution to the community by encouraging all vintage vehicles to our town this year. We want to celebrate Padraic’s passion and commitment to rural Ireland.

This transformation from a farming community into an industrial age with trails and tribulations was what Padraic appreciated. Gort has transformed immensely in the last forty years. Padraic celebrated the mechanical age and industrial age for Ireland and this was very much evident of the modernisation of the motor car and tractor. It gives us a sense of who we are as Irish people and Padraic was all about that. The Gort committee have asked that as many members as possible come along to the parade in Honour of our late President Padraig Giblin .