WVVMC history

At the conclusion of the 1977 I.V.V.C.C. Autumn Rally in Galway a few enthusiast motorists, got together with the idea of forming a vintage motoring club in the West of Ireland. It was in September of 1977 when a committee were elected and the WVVMC Ltd was formed.

Ireland Tourism Board hosted a Press Conference to launch the Club and many notable motoring enthusiasts from around the country attended. It has now grown to be one of the largest motoring cIubs in Ireland with almost 180 enthusiastic members.

We organise at least 10 events per year and attend various Shows, Parades, Rallies & Festivals. Our main event is the WestRun which occurs on the last weekend in July every year after the Galway Arts Festival and just before the Galway Races. The WVVMC also supports many charity events and participates in other Classic Car runs.

Our 3 issues of the magazine contains articles, technical information, events, advertisements such as cars for sale, parts for sale or items wanted for their restoration projects. Members are encouraged to contribute items of interest to the magazine. These can be sent to our Communications Manager at [email protected]

If you wish to become a member (it is not necessary to own a vintage or classic car to join the club) go to the “Contact Us” where you will find the relevant forms. We hope you have enjoyed visiting our website and would appreciate your views, contact our Communications Manager on the above email.